Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Crisis of Leadership

Why isn't the community focusing on economic development on a much larger scale than focusing on small businesses that pay less than standard wages? If one wants to start a small business, there is always the SBA programs offered by the government. However, it seems that local officials are more interested in figuring out how to get a 200,000 training grant that will be wasted,mismanaged, and in someones pocket. Meanwhile, there won't be nothing to show for this effort. Just more low wage jobs, more training for perpetually employed burger flippers, and fewer living wage jobs.

Real economic development means creating and enticing real companies providing real living wage jobs and not some low wage service outfit that pays 8 dollars an hour. Why doesn't our public servants go work for 8 bucks an hour and see how it feels? Why don't all the community do gooders that brag about their measly accomplishments such as planting flowers go work for 8 an hour. I would suspect that due to their being placed near some of the good ole boys that you can expect they won't.

It's always amazing to hear these people proclaiming their love for leadership but providing little leadership to speak of. Referring to your local population as nothing more than slaves and outcasts of the caste system isn't leadership. Leadership is setting the example for others to follow, not hollow promises, planting a couple of trees, and patting yourself on your back. However, in their liberal feel good society, I'm sure that it is something for those so called leaders to feel proud of.

At least if you have the arrogance to look down on the local citizenry as nothing but a bunch of rabble, at least make sure that you accomplished something first other than living off of the old mans money.


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