Thursday, November 09, 2006

Coming Soon

Coming soon this site will have a compilation of economic statistics to show how much Washington County is behind versus other areas of the state and region as a whole. Why haven't our elected officials and council not to mention commissioners done anything about this? Are they more interested in making sure to stick into the office for long enough so that "We the people" have to pay their health insurance. Meanwhile, while these cronies receive government benefits on the backs of the taxpayers, the number of uninsured people in America is nearing 50 million. Why should we pay for another perk for these people?

Lack of Economic Opportunity and Jobs

Salem, Indiana has long been one of the poorest areas in the state of Indiana. Southern Indiana in general has always lagged behind the rest of the state in incomes, child poverty, and unemployment. Why has this been tolerated for so long? Where have the local officials been in regards to bringing jobs, economic opportunity, and new business to town. Why has there been little if no additional business and industry coming to town for 20 plus years. In fact, you could say the leaders have committed an total of 30 years of failure. When residents of the community realize this after living in a community for 40 years, you can tell there is a problem.

Does Salem have little in the way to attract business other than low wages that don't pay the bills? Or employers that pay 6.75 and hour or less in some cases. This is called economic development? Low wage service jobs are called economic development. The fact that almost 20 percent of the children in this county live in poverty while the fat cats of the community continue to ignore the facts. Or is it a pervasive system of chronic mismanagement and incompetence that keeps the town in the 1950s.

Why haven't these economic development officials done more to attract business and industry? Why are they still drawing salaries for their lack of effort while thousands are being left behind and their families impoverished. Would they rather sit back and collect their money while making deals in smoke filled back rooms?
When is this debacle going to end and the citizens of Washington County given more opportunity. After all, poor people don't contribute much to the economy in the way of retail sales etc. However, the merchants of Salem seem to be consistently against the idea of progress and bringing new industry to town. After all, doesn't the city look a little bit rough because of a lack of money to fix buildings and improve the infrastructure. How do those impoverished citizens do that?

Why is it that the individuals in economic development keep bragging about their efforts? Yet, nothing ever happens and they don't get it. Low wage retail and low wage burger flipping joints? So is that all our council, commissioners, and elected officials can obtain? Or is there something more insidious at work to keep the wages down and create a serf class for the masters of the good ole boy system?

Salem Indiana Truth

The purpose of this page is to inform the public of the economic conditions, politics, and lack of economic and social empowerment in the Salem, Indiana area and Washington County in general. Keep tuned to this page for commentary and facts about the current conditions in Salem, Indiana. Thank you for your patience as this page is being provided as a public service to show the real facts.