Sunday, February 17, 2008

Real Economic Development

Washington County, Indiana needs real economic development very soon. Instead of bringing in a couple of burger flipping, grocery store jobs, the city needs a true economic revitalization. Note to the local county officials and local businesses, $7 an hour jobs aren't going to cut it no matter how low you get the standard of living. Instead, what is being created is poverty, despair, unemployment, hopelessness, and a culture of incompetence. Why is it that Salem, Indiana wants to promote this for the remaining youth and future generations. Why does the city and local officials lack a vision and the common sense to complete the necessary tasks and improve the economic livelihood of the community. I wonder who is going to pay their Social Securty and retirement benefits based on low wage jobs.

Also, who is going to pay the taxes for local infrastructure improvements as well as the already burdening property taxes which are being used in many cases on overpriced school buildings that do not educate the children any better. Why hasn't anyone in the community really focused on any and all of these issues. Why are they blind to the facts? Or is it so that they can pander to the local small business community that doesn't want the community as a whole to benefit from REAL economic development.

To hear the local economic development officials and the commissioners and council, one would think that they are totally clueless to sustaining real economic development. Not through building fast food restaurants and low wage jobs but lasting jobs, true economic development and jobs that pay good wages. Somehow having local workers working for 6.75 an hour isn't true economic development but rather a race to the bottom and nothing more than slave labor. A true modern day form of wage slavery and chattel slavery. Not only practiced by many local employers but also multinational corporations many of whom are based in the Midwest and some owned by multimillionaires while the common people scratch and struggle for the scraps.


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